The B2B Article Process for Content Writers

Learn how to write a B2B article that’s worth $1k

Elna Cain
6 min readDec 12, 2023
Image from Alicia Powell of Pixistock

For the first few years of being an online writer, I wrote blog posts…in any niche.

Let’s see, I wrote about:

  • Best dental practices
  • Something in the VFX industry
  • Switch careers
  • Fighting seasonal allergies
  • The hiring practice
  • Landing page optimization
  • and more…

These blog posts were sometimes short — under 1,000 words — or long form — over 2,000 words. They were the run-of-the-mill blog post and many of these clients had no formal content strategy in place.

But, once I started landing more clients in the digital marketing industry, I learned exactly what SaaS brands want. Since there are many B2B SaaS companies online, each company were fighting to be at the top of Google.

Many are interested in using keywords, industry experts and thought leadership content in each article a content writer wrote for them.

So, if you are a copywriter, freelancer or content writer in the B2B niche, here is how I craft an article worth a thousand dollars or more.



Elna Cain

SaaS freelance writer & mom with real-world marketing experience. Mentors writers on her blog Need a writer?