Step-by-Step Guide to Earning $100+ Daily With a Digital Product

These easy products sell

Elna Cain
6 min readDec 10, 2023
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I’ve been writing online since 2014, and over those years, I’ve created over 50 digital products.

Not every digital product I created has sold like gang-busters. But when they do, it’s a firm testament that this side hustle strategy actually works.

And for proof, here is only ONE of the dozens of digital products I have that sold.

And, if you noticed, it doesn’t matter if it’s a few years old either. As long as you update your digital product and add more value, it will be a passive income generator.

I’m excited to share with you some incredible insights and tips on creating digital products that can rake in at least $100 a day.

What can you create over the weekend and sell to your audience right now? And what’s great is you can use this as a goal in 2024! Learn how to create a simple digital product that sells and in 2024 unleash it to your audience.

I’ve been working on an eBook for a while now, and it’s almost ready for selling. This will be the first time I’m selling an eBook by itself. Usually, I create an eBook as a supplement to a masterclass or course.



Elna Cain

SaaS freelance writer & mom with real-world marketing experience. Mentors writers on her blog Need a writer?