A Sure-Fire Way to Easily Rank Your Existing Blog Posts

It’s legit, safe and Google likes this method

Elna Cain
4 min readJul 8, 2022
Photo by Adam Flockemann on Unsplash

After a few years of blogging, I kept hearing other content creators say that the only way to rank in Google was to write epic content. These were termed flagship content or ultimate guides.

So, instead of the 1,000 word blog posts, everyone said, do 2,000 word blog posts or more.

For a while, I did this. I wrote a 7,000 word guide, an 8,000 word guide, and other guides around that word count. It was hard, and I lost creativity. While I LOVE writing, writing these guides was hard for me because of the distractions and my other obligations (client work). I would often have to stop writing my ultimate guide and start a client piece or other blog post for another blog.

I posted this on my LinkedIn feed

You might be wondering, well, did those posts rank?

Some did, and some flopped. But I soon realized this method of creating 6,000 word blog posts every week or every other week just wasn’t sustaining for me.

I started to hate writing blog posts and the thought of all the research I had to do to create epic content…



Elna Cain

SaaS freelance writer & mom with real-world marketing experience. Mentors writers on her blog https://elnacain.com. Need a writer? elna@elnacain.com